Terms and conditions

Article 1: Definitions

The following is defined as: 

  1. Rental accommodation: mobile homes.
  2. Camping pitch: standard camping pitches and comfort camping pitches. (And other i.e. similar types of accommodation offered by the entrepreneur).
  3. Accommodation agreement: the agreement concluded between the guest and the entrepreneur. The written booking confirmation. 
  4. Guest: the main booker 
  5. Fellow travellers: other guests in addition to the main booker
  6. Other guests: the other guests and co-travellers who stay and/or recreate at Camping Liefrange. 
  7. Entrepreneur: Camping De Reenert / Camping Fuussekaul S.A. 

Article 2: Agreement

  1. Camping De Reenert is a naturist campsite. Clothing should not be worn on the grounds of Camping De Reenert.
  2. Proof of membership of a naturist association is required during check-in.
  3. The entrepreneur guarantees recreational purposes. Permanent residence is hereby excluded. 
  4. The accommodation agreement is valid as soon as the guest has requested accommodation and the entrepreneur has confirmed it in writing. A confirmation is sent by the entrepreneur to the guest in writing after the guest has made a reservation, prior to the start date of the agreement. The confirmation is always sent to the guest via email. From this moment, the reservation and therefore accommodation agreement is confirmed. Verbal reservations are not binding. 
  5. Accommodation agreements sent by booking platforms are as binding as if they were confirmed in writing by the entrepreneur. 
  6. The guest is obliged to comply with the accommodation agreement and the associated park regulations. In addition, the guest shall ensure that any fellow travellers also comply with the agreement and the associated park regulations. 
  7. In the event of non-compliance with the accommodation contract and/or park regulations, the entrepreneur reserves the right to demand full compensation, without refund and to take appropriate measures.
  8. When booking a preferred location, the guest is assured of a specific rental accommodation and/or camping pitch number. There are costs associated with a preferred location. Once the guest does not pay the costs for a preferred location, the entrepreneur reserves the right, without prior notice, to allocate any number of the confirmed type. 

Article 3: Duration of the accommodation agreement

  1. The duration of the stay is stated in writing in the accommodation agreement. After expiry of the residence agreement, it will be terminated without notice of termination being required. The maximum duration of tourist stays is 30 nights.
  2. On the day of arrival, the guest must check-in at the reception of our partner Camping Fuussekaul from 2 P.M. (camping pitch) or from 3 P.M. (rental accommodation). With the exception of Sundays, 3 P.M. (camping pitch).
  3. If the guest's arrival time is after 6 P.M., the guest must notify the entrepreneur in advance.
  4. Upon arrival, the guest is obliged to present a valid identity document or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient for this purpose. If the guest is unable and/or unwilling to show a valid identity document or passport, the entrepreneur reserves the right to refuse the guest. The guest must still pay the full agreed amount, without refund. 
  5. Guests and fellow travellers are obliged to leave the campsite after the accommodation agreement has expired (the day of departure), according to the rules established for this purpose.
  6. On the day of departure, the guest must sign out at the reception of our partner Camping Fuussekaul before 10 A.M. 
  7. If the guest does not check-out at the reception of our partner Camping Fuussekaul before 10 A.M., an extra night will be charged, without the guest being able to use the rental accommodation and/or camping pitch. With the exception of a reserved and written confirmed late check-out. In case of a late check-out, the guest must check out at the reception of our partner Camping Fuussekaul before 5 P.M.

Article 4: Prices

  1. The amount of the price on the accommodation agreement, is set on the basis of the rates applicable at that time. 
  2. The prices are fixed by the entrepreneur and are non-negotiable
  3. If changes have to be made to the accommodation agreement after the price has been set, these price changes shall be determined by the entrepreneur. 
  4. The entrepreneur reserves the right to make price changes at any given moment. 

Article 5: Payment

  1. The guest must make the payment in euros, within the agreed payment terms, as stated in the accommodation agreement.
  2. Vouchers can be used as a method of payment. Vouchers are only valid until the date stated. Extensions, postponements, changes or other adjustments are not possible. 
  3. When making the reservation, the first payment of 30% of the total amount must be paid immediately. The remaining amount (70% of the total amount) must be paid no later than 93 days before the start of the accommodation agreement. 
  4. If the guest receives the written confirmation less than 93 days before the start of the accommodation agreement, the full amount (100%) must be paid immediately. 
  5. If the entrepreneur is not in possession of the total amount due on the day of arrival, the entrepreneur reserves the right to deny the guest access. 
  6. The guest is obliged to pay the deposit, as described in the accommodation agreement. 
  7. After approval by the entrepreneur, the deposit will be transferred to the guest within 7 working days. If damage, vandalism, alterations or other activities of such nature are found, the entrepreneur reserves the right to withhold the deposit, demand additional costs, report the incident to the police or take such other measures. 
  8. If, after the guest's stay, the full amount or a part of it has still not been paid, a fine of €4.50 will be charged for each reminder sent, in addition to the outstanding amount. 

Article 6: Use by third parties

Use by third parties of the entrepreneur's offer is not permitted. 

Article 7: Premature departure 

The guest owes the full price for the accommodation agreement.

Article 8: Cancellation

In the event of cancellation, the guest must pay a fee to the entrepreneur. This compensation amounts to:

  1. In case of cancellation more than three months before the start date, 15% of the total price as stated in the accommodation agreement;
  2. In case of cancellation within three to two months before the start date, 50% of the total price as stated in the accommodation agreement;
  3. In case of cancellation within two to one month before the commencement date, 75% of the total price as stated in the accommodation agreement;
  4. In case of cancellation within one month before the commencement date, 90% of the total price as stated in the accommodation agreement;
  5. In case of cancellation on the day of the commencement date, 100% of the total price as stated in the accommodation agreement.

The entrepreneur recommends to take out a cancellation insurance. It is possible to take out a cancellation insurance with "Recreatieverzekeringen" through the entrepreneur with your accommodation agreement. When the guest takes out a cancellation insurance through this insurance company, the guest is bound by the terms and conditions of this insurance company and all decisions resulting from it. The entrepreneur is not liable for and has no influence on the decisions made by this cancellation insurance with regard to cancellation and the handling of a damage claim. The entrepreneur will provide the guest with the necessary documents requested by this insurance company for submitting a claim.

It is not possible to change the date of your reservation after your reservation has been confirmed. If you cannot come on the reserved date, you must cancel the reservation. 

It is not possible that another person takes the reservation over. Once the main booker is unable to come, you must cancel the reservation. 

Article 9: Intermediate termination by the entrepreneur

  1. The entrepreneur can terminate the accommodation agreement with immediate effect:
    1. If the guest and/or fellow travellers do not or not properly comply with the obligations as described in the general terms and conditions, park regulations and/or government regulations. 
    2. If the guest and/or fellow travellers cause nuisance to the entrepreneur and/or other guests, and/or spoil the good atmosphere in the immediate vicinity and/or on the campsite. 
    3. If, by using the accommodation, the guest and/or fellow travellers violates the destination of the campsite. 
  2. The entrepreneur shall personally inform the guest that the premature termination will be implemented. A written statement by the entrepreneur is not required for this. 
  3. After termination, the guest and fellow travellers must leave the campsite as soon as possible, but within maximum 2 hours. 
  4. The guest is obliged to pay the agreed amount, as described in the accommodation agreement. A refund of the deposit or the total amount is hereby excluded.

Article 10: Clearance

When the accommodation agreement expires (the day of departure), the rental accommodation and/or camping pitch must be left empty, clean and completely tidy, as described in the park regulations. If the guest and any fellow travellers do not leave the rental accommodation and/or camping pitch empty, clean and completely tidy, as described in the park regulations, the entrepreneur reserves the right to withhold the deposit, demand additional costs, report to the police or take other such measures. 

Article 11: Laws and regulations

The entrepreneur shall at all times ensure that the campsite complies with all environmental and safety requirements that are or may be imposed on the campsite by the authorities. The guest and fellow travellers are obliged to comply with all applicable safety regulations on the campsite.

Article 12: Condition of the site

  1. Guests and fellow travellers are obliged to keep the rental accommodation, camping site, terrain and immediate surroundings in the same state, as received on arrival, for the duration of the accommodation agreement.
  2. It is forbidden to:
    1. Destroy, damage or alter property belonging to the entrepreneur. 
    2. Dig, trim, cut down or carry out any other activity of such nature. 
  3. Smoking in the rental accommodation and/or public buildings is strictly prohibited by law. If smoke has entered the rental accommodation and/or public buildings, the entrepreneur reserves the right to charge the guest the cleaning costs of €500.-
  4. If damage, vandalism, alterations or other activities of such nature are observed, the entrepreneur reserves the right to withhold the deposit, demand additional costs, report the incident to the police or take such other measures. 

Article 13: Liability

  1. The entrepreneur is not liable for any accident, theft or damage on the campsite.
  2. The entrepreneur is not liable for consequences of weather conditions or other forms of force majeure. 
  3. The entrepreneur is not liable for failures in the central facilities. 
  4. The guest and fellow travellers are liable to the entrepreneur for damage caused by their own actions or omissions. 
  5. The entrepreneur reserves the right to take appropriate measures after reporting nuisance caused by fellow travellers.

Article 14: Compliance with guarantee

  1. After receiving the accommodation agreement, the guest and fellow travellers are obliged to comply with the general terms and conditions, park regulations and government regulations. 
  2. The general conditions, park regulations and government regulations apply to both individual and group travel.

Luxembourg law applies in this regard. Printing, reproduction and transmission errors are reserved.