Oldtimer Tractor rental conditions

Use of the vehicle

Conditions for renting and using the vehicle are that the respective driver(s) holds a valid driving licence (class B or 3 driving licence) sufficient to drive the vehicle. In addition, the driver must have sufficient driving experience and has held this licence continuously for 3 or more years. The vehicles may only be driven by the persons registered as drivers in the rental contract before the start of the trip. A valid driving licence and a valid identity card or passport of each driver must be shown before the start of the trip. The rental company reserves the right to make a copy of the documents. Children are transported at their own risk and must be at least 6 years old. Drivers are responsible for their own safety, the safety of passengers and the chosen route. To avoid overloading the vehicles and their components, the seats on the wings on either side of the driver must not be loaded with more than 100 kilograms. Passengers must be at least 1.65 metres tall. The maximum number of passengers is limited to the number of seats on the tractor.

Termination conditions

It is strictly forbidden to drive the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or other narcotics. In case of suspicion, the renter may refuse to make the vehicle available. If during the briefing or test drive the impression arises that the intended driver is unable to drive the vehicle or drive it without risk, the renter may prohibit the use of the vehicle. If no suitable replacement driver is available, the rental agreement will be terminated. In both cases, the renter may claim 50% of the rental price as compensation.


The vehicles are insured according to the insurer's AKB (General Terms and Conditions of Motor Insurance). To cover possible damage, for example due to an accident, theft or fire, there is an excess of €300 for partially covered damage. For other damage, the driver is liable for the full amount of the damage incurred. There is no full coverage for vehicles. There is no insurance cover if the driver was under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other narcotics at the time of the damage event. Insurance cover is also not applicable if the driver is not entitled to drive the vehicle or does not hold the required driving licence. In these cases, the driver is fully liable.

In case of damage caused by gross negligence or improper handling/operation of the vehicle, the driver (or the passenger if he/she is the cause of the damage) is fully liable. Some examples of incorrect operation of the vehicle and which are therefore expressly not permitted are: letting the vehicle roll downhill in neutral or with the clutch engaged, exceeding the technical speed limit of 20 km/h and constantly driving at a too high rpm. The driver is liable for traffic offences committed by the driver during the rental period.


The vehicles are covered by statutory insurance in the form of motor vehicle liability insurance. Third-party insurance covers damage caused during normal use of the vehicle (driving, parking, getting in and out of the vehicle, refuelling and so on). TPL insurance covers damage or claims (property damage, personal injury, financial loss) from third parties, not from the policyholder or renter. Partial additional insurance with an excess of €300 has been taken out for the vehicles. This covers loss of the vehicle or damage to the vehicle caused by third parties, e.g. theft, short circuit, fire, explosions, hail, flood and collisions with wildlife. Damage to the vehicle caused by the hirer or driver or damage caused by an accident for which the hirer or driver is responsible is not covered. This means that the hirer or driver is liable to the renter for the full amount of damage caused. The extent of insurance cover (third-party and partial comprehensive insurance) is determined by the insurer's AKB (General Conditions of Motor Insurance).


A deposit of €300 must be paid before the rental period begins. The deposit is stated on the rental contract and is confirmed with a signature.  Upon returning the vehicle in complete and undamaged condition, the deposit will be refunded.

Transfer protocol 

The renter will be provided by the rental company with a roadworthy and technically tested vehicle including additional equipment. In case of loss or damage of the equipment, the hirer will pay full compensation. By accepting the vehicle, the hirer acknowledges that the vehicle is in roadworthy and undamaged condition. If, upon acceptance of the vehicle, previously undetected defects are found, they shall, if possible, be immediately remedied by the renter. Damage that cannot be repaired immediately but does not impede the use of the vehicle will be recorded in the rental agreement or transfer report. If a vehicle is not roadworthy or can only be used with restrictions, the renter may provide a replacement vehicle. If this is not possible, both the hirer and the renter can cancel the hire contract. If there occurs a defect in the vehicle during the journey, the hirer must immediately interrupt the journey and inform the renter. If the defect is such that it is not possible to continue the trip, the rental company will reimburse the unused rental time. The hirer is not entitled to compensation. At the end of the trip, the hirer and the rental company will check the vehicle for any damage and the completeness of attachments and accessories. The result is recorded in the rental contract or handover protocol.


In the event of an accident, theft, vehicle fire or other damage, the rental company must be notified immediately. In addition, the police must be notified if persons have been injured, the damage incurred exceeds the €300 limit, it is necessary to establish the cause of the damage and/or establish the guilt of any of the persons involved in the accident. Conflicting claims will not be recognised.  An accident report (attached to the vehicle documents) must be completed for each claim event and signed by the persons involved in the accident and any witnesses. The accident report must include the names and addresses of all persons and witnesses involved, as well as the registration numbers of the vehicles involved in the accident. The driver and passengers of the vehicle are obliged to provide all possible assistance in clarifying the circumstances of the accident.

Data protection 

The rental company is permitted to store all data in connection with the rental of the vehicles (including personal data) under the Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). The renter undertakes to use the data collected exclusively for its own purposes and not to pass it on to third parties.